Grant Process

Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.

Deuteronomy 16:17

The Kingdom Investment Foundation of Tucson funds organizations that further God’s Kingdom by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We fund para-church ministries that explicitly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and support children, youth and families, discipleship, education/training and equipping, evangelism, healthcare, homelessness, hunger, the poor and needy, and prisoners and their families.  Grants are not awarded to support individual churches, church outreach programs, or individual missionaries. Ministries must have proof of 501(c)(3) status.  Ministries cannot be funded more than two consecutive years, but may apply again after one year.

Funded projects must be completed in one year from the date the grant is awarded. (November of the year of the grant to the end of the following year.)


   The proposal should be submitted in a single PDF Application Packet containing all required application components. Please submit the entire application, ALL of step 1 and step 2, in one PDF.  Please send separately any brochures, newsletter, annual reports, photos, or videos in a separate PDF.

   The PDF upload filename must include ministry name. 

   The PDF Application Packet will be submitted electronically.  

   The proposal should use a standard size font no smaller than 12 point, and use 1.5 line spacing on all typed pages. 

   All pages of the application must be sequentially numbered.

    Components of the proposal must include the following and be assembled in the PDF packet in this order:

    •  Cover page (project name, organization name, amount requested, contact information for person making the request, organization mission statement)
    •  Table of Contents (include hyperlink to each component, if possible)
    •  Grant Application Form
    •  Project Description Form
    •  Executive Summary
    •  Details of Project
    •  Supporting documents

 Grant Proposals up to $15,000.00 will be considered.

  Only projects which can be completed within a year of funding can be considered.

 A ministry may only be funded two years in a row. Once that occurs, the ministry is not eligible to submit an application for one year (one complete grant cycle)


•   Ministries may send grant applications between June 1st and August 15th for the November funding cycle.

•   Grants are awarded the second week of November.

•   Applications received after August 15th will not be considered.



Step One:    Grant Application Procedures

  Download and complete the Grant Application Form. 

•   Download and complete the Project Description Form.

Step Two:   Application Supporting Documents    (All are required)

•   Copy of 501(c)(3) determination letter from the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the current legal name or umbrella organization, issued at least 3 years ago.

    Financial information: complete itemized budget and projected revenues for the project; pages 1 and 2 of IRS Form 990 submitted within the last 2 years.

•    List: names and professional affiliations of your Board of Directors; staff associated with the project and their positions. Include contact information for at least 1 board member.

  Copy of organization’s brochure, newsletter and annual report if available.

Step Three:   

   Click here to upload Application Packet – this link is available from June 1 – Aug 15 only

    Questions?   –   email –

Step Four:    Review Process

•    You will receive an email confirming that your proposal was received.

•    Proposals that do not provide all required information will not be considered.

•    During the review process volunteers will research your request through telephone inquiries, emails, meetings or site visits. They may speak with your staff, board members or outside experts.

•    The Grant Review Committee will review applications as objectively as possible. Depending on the level of funding available, the Grant Review Committee will submit pre-selected grants to the Kingdom Investment Foundation general membership for review and vote in November.

•   Grant proposals that have not been accepted are not automatically re-submitted for the next funding cycle. If the grantee desires to re-submit a proposal, an updated Grant Application Form and Project Description Form must be submitted.

  Grantees will be invited to a Celebration Event held in the new year during which they are able to give a short presentation on how the KIF grant is impacting their work and to meet our KIF members. Attendance is hoped for, but not mandatory. Details will be sent in early January. 

  All grantees will be expected to submit a mid-year evaluation report. Details on the grant evaluation report will follow after a grant is awarded.

  Kingdom Investment Foundation will make every effort to respond to your application within a reasonable amount of time.

Step 5:    Mid-year Evaluations

•    If your ministry receives KIF funding, you will be required to submit a mid-year evaluation, due by August 31 of the next year. If a mid-year evaluation is not received, future KIF funding may be jeopardized. Details will be sent out in early July.